Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cautious play or lack thereof

I have been playing again regularly for about 3 months, mostly on weekends. All 1/2 nl games. I played well for November and December and booked some solid, smart wins. But in January I am playing like a moron.

For some reason I have abandoned caution in dangerous situations, subscribing briefly to disbelief after I have made a very strong hand and someone indicates they have me beat with a strong raise. This has probably cost me $500 already this year when I call these large raises.

I need to slow down and become more cautious as these types of hands develop. I also need to analyze situations better after I have slowed down. So, how to follow thru with this plan? Not the first time i have run into this particular challenge. Before going to play I am going to imagine these situations and practice how I want to deal with them. Since this hole in my game has been one of the costliest I need to give it more attention.