Friday, December 21, 2007

Leading up to The Holidays

November finished on a positive note. I went out for 4 sessions of 10/20 Omaha 8 at The Wynn just after Thanksgiving. I suspected that the game might be crowded with regulars being eager to get back to their routine. I was right and was rewarded with 3 wins and 1 loss over the 4 sessions for a $733 profit.

For 2/5 NL Hold Em for the month I booked a $1401 win. But for the lower limit game which I played 3 last sessions of I lost $594. Add it up and I was up $807 for the month.

I haven't often written about the bottom line in this blog and have concentrated more on a strategy and environmental reviews. But sometimes it's good to get back to the bottom line because after all, at some point if I'm not making my monetary goals, all the theory in the world won't save me from going broke. Thankfully I'm not going broke.

December has been a vacation month for me thus far. Holiday shopping, travels and relaxing make for some pleasant distractions from poker. I'll be back in the habit for the last week of the year, as I have been told that the week leading up to New Year's Eve can be particularly profitable.

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